Here are some photos of La Ropa Beach, its views and its environs.
Click on any photo to see it enlarged.

Playa La Ropa from Cerro del Vigía

View south from the beach in front of the Catalina Hotel

View to La Ropa from Las Gatas Beach

Learning to use a stand-up paddleboard (SUP)

Southern end of La Ropa Beach

Sunset from Intrawest

View from hotel at north end of La Ropa Beach

Cliffside lodgings at north end of La Ropa Beach

The rocks known as Pozo del Eslabón at the north end of La Ropa Beach

Beach entrance from north end

View southwest from Intrawest

La Ropa view from north to south

Wandering beach vendor

View of open ocean from La Ropa Beach

The southern end of La Ropa Beach

Lodgings and sailboats at north end of La Ropa Beach

Baby sea turtles at sunset

Sea Turtle

Spotted Eagle Ray

Crocodile and Turtle - photo by Eileen Redding
